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Three hundred years after the Mistborn Trilogy the civilization is on the verge of a new age with railroads, electrical lighting, and steel skyscrapers soaring into the sky. A kandra historian has returned to Elendel with images of the supposed Bands of Mourning, the metal minds owned by the Lord Ruler, that grant the wearer the same powers as the Lord Ruler. No one thinks they exist and Lord Waxillium is sent south to investigate the mystery. Along the way, he learns more about a secret organization called The Set, and his uncle Edward’s true plans.
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Book Ratings
Overall: PG-13
Violence: PG-13
Language: PG-13 A couple rough cowboy’s exclamations in frustrating situations.
Adult Content: PG-13 Academic discussion about the mechanics of sex
Reading Level: Grade 7 – Adult
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