“Fourth Wing” is a gripping fantasy novel that follows Violet’s unexpected journey into dragon riding amidst a nation on the brink of conflict. Addressing themes of resilience, the book features unique magic, intense battles, and a twist-filled narrative. With parental discretion advised, the story offers a deeper, relatable underdog experience compared to similar works.
Discover Mundane Magic in Terrier: Tamora Pierce’s Fantasy Gem | Review & Parent Guide
“Ever had a book whisk you away, making reality blur? Dive into ‘Terrier’ by Tamora Pierce, where crime dances with medieval magic, and every page beckons like a whispered secret. Ready to get spellbound?”
50 Best Fantasy Books for Teens and Adults Part 2: A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Fantasy Subgenres
Hello again, fantasy lovers and newbies alike! Welcome to Part 2 of our deep dive into the fantasy genre. If you missed the first part, …
Young Adult Dystopian Dreams: 17 Novels to Quench Your Thirst for Alternative Realities
Diving Deep into Dystopia Hey there, fellow bookworms! If there’s one genre that captures the imagination and challenges our perceptions of society, it’s dystopia. From …
Top 15 Sweet Clean Romance Books
The first thing someone asks me when they find out I love reading is what my favorite book is. Guys, I’ve read such a large …
Fun Adventure Books for the Whole Family
Each book can take you on an adventure. Here are some of my favorite adventure books for readers of every age.
Throne of Glass | Parent Guide & Review
Throne of Glass is a bestseller but is it for you? This parent guide is a spoiler-free look at the violence, language, and adult content.
A Court of Thorns and Roses | Parent Guide & Review
A New Fantastic Fantasy Series A Court of Thorns and Roses is a high fantasy book with fairies, magic, and unexplainable happening every step of …
Evermore by Sara Holland | Parent Guide & Review
Evermore is the sequel to Everless by Sara Holland. This post will have some big spoilers from the first book. If you want to know …
Everless by Sara Holland | The Review
Oh my, wow! This book is amazing, and a bit of a whirlwind. I have wanted to read this book for years now. Everless kept …