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Area X has been cut off from the rest of civilization for decades. Various expeditions have gone in to explore what appears to be a pristine environment. The first expedition returned, but the rest never came back the same. Some developed fast-growing cancer, others came back as shadows of themselves if they came back. The twelfth expedition is a team of four females: an archeologist, a surveyor, a psychologist (or team leader), and a biologist. The biologist tells the story as the team collects specimens and explores Area X. They discover the unexpected. The more they uncover, the more they realize they don’t know anything.
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Book Ratings
Overall: R Strong language
Violence: PG-13 Intense suspenseful situations
Language: R Frequent strong language
Adult Content: G
Reading Level: Grade 9 – Adult

Some of the themes you will find in Annihilation include the exploration of identity, the supernatural, and wondering about life as we know it.
Where to Find the Book
Annihilation can be found on Amazon as a paperback and a hardcover. In addition, this book is available in a kindle format.
If you enjoyed this book check out Authority the second book in the Southern Reach series. If you liked the post-apocalyptic genre but need more action and less mind-blowing check out As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer and Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton.
Happy Reading!

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