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These Broken Stars is a futuristic version of the Titanic. But instead of sailing in the ocean, they sail through space. Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe, but all the money in the universe can’t stop the ship from crashing. The only other survivor is Tarver Merendsen, a lowly ship officer. From completely different social circles, Lilac and Tarver learn to get along and face weird things that keep happening on the planet. Along the way, they become close friends, and by the end, they aren’t sure if they want to be rescued, yet.
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Book Ratings
Overall: PG-13
Violence: PG-13 graphic images
Language: PG-13
Adult Content: PG-13 Know there is sex, but they end the scene kissing and wake up the next morning
Reading Level: Grade 7 – YA
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