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Prepare to be captivated by the quirky fusion of music, history, and saving the world in the book “Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk into a Bar” by Cherie Magnus. We delve into the enthralling narrative that intertwines these elements. Join me in exploring the extraordinary journey of Abraham Lincoln and Sergei Rachmaninoff, where they team up to confront ecological disaster. Along California’s mesmerizing Highway 1, they encounter awe-inspiring natural wonders, vanished Indigenous cultures, mystical entities, and the ancient wisdom of trees. Using a blend of history and fantasy, Magnus crafts a tale of hope and resilience. Discover the magic of “Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk into a Bar” which caters to music lovers, climate change fiction enthusiasts, and those fascinated by historical figures.
Sponsored: This book review is a sponsored post, and I have received compensation from the author for writing it. However, my opinions and thoughts on the book are unbiased and unaffected by this sponsorship. Maintaining transparency and providing an honest review are very important to me. This review reflects my genuine and independent evaluation of the book. Thank you for your understanding and for reading my review.
A Bit About Me

Hi! I’m Emily Campbell, a full-time mom of two young kids and a reader extraordinaire. I built this blog to be a resource for readers wanting to know what is in their books. I’ve been frustrated many times after picking up the latest and greatest on a book list after jumping in and realizing that the amount of language, graphic violence, or inappropriate sexual content did not fit my media standards.
I love reading, but also very selective about what media I consume. Plenty of things in books out there do not need a permanent place in my mind. The Book Nanny is here to help you look inside your book. I break down the language, violence, and adult content so you can enjoy the reading process instead of getting an unpleasant surprise.
Disclosure: My site does have affiliate links. If you click on a link and decide to buy, I make a small commission for referring you. This helps me make a few cents for doing what I love.
Synopsis of Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk Into a Bar

In an enchanting blend of music, history, and saving the world, “Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk into a Bar” by Cherie Magnus follows the unlikely duo of Abraham Lincoln and Sergei Rachmaninoff as they embark on a mission to rescue the planet from ecological disaster. Along Highway 1 in California, they encounter natural wonders, lost Indigenous cultures, supernatural beings, and the wisdom of ancient trees. This captivating tale weaves in historical words with fantastical storytelling and offers a glimmer of hope in our troubled times.
Content Guide

Language: 11 swear words (hell & damn)
Violence: PG there is one wrestling match and a hostage situation
Adult Content: R for nudity; there are multiple scenes where the characters are nude. One is at an outdoor hot spring where they go skinny-dipping. The other is a scene with a dryad. In both scenes, the nudity is just stated as a fact not described or dwelt on. There is implied sex between a few characters, but nothing is confirmed, and everything takes place behind closed doors.
My Initial Thoughts

When I first picked it up, I wondered what I had started reading. It is like a fever dream where you have no idea what will happen next. There is a mission to it, but the author was very creative with how she crafted the story. As I read, I could tell that she did tons of research. That flowed into the writing and the scenes naturally and not stilted. One really cool thing about this book is the majority of the dialogue of the historical characters are actual quotes from their lives! So a lot of what Abraham Lincoln, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Ulysses Grant say are exactly what they said in their personal lives. Some of the historical quotes were awkward, but the majority of them weren’t. The quotes give a really cool feel to the story.
Altogether it is unique and will keep you on your toes. There are many moving parts, but those odd-shaped parts fit together perfectly to weave a tapestry. If you fall into the category of someone jaded with the predictability of modern literature, this book is for you.
New Genre: Climate Change Fiction

Reading “Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk Into A Bar” pushed me outside of my usual fiction box. Usually, I like reading light romcoms or some other kind of romance. This was my first time reading a climate change fiction book. Climate change fiction, also known as cli-fi, is a genre that explores the effects of climate change and environmental issues through storytelling. It brings the complex topic of climate change into a relatable narrative that connects with readers through emotion. By imagining the consequences of global warming, rising sea levels, and other ecological challenges, cli-fi humanizes these issues and inspires readers to reflect on our roles in shaping the future of our planet.
The climate change genre is pretty new. The first climate change fiction novel was published in 1889 by Jules Verne. However, it has become more popular in the last 20 years and is gaining widespread popularity. Its rising popularity reflects society recognizing a need for urgent change to address environmental issues and the desire to explore these issues through the power of books.
Things I Wish Were Different in Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk Into A Bar

“Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk Into A Bar” is a short book and clocks at a little over 100 pages. Typically I think of a road trip as something long and drawn out, but this road trip definitely isn’t. This road trip has interesting conversations and perspectives every step of the way. It doesn’t wax poetic about the landscape but instead digs into the destinations along the way.
This isn’t my favorite book and there are things I would change about it. I want to learn more about the Dreamer and what led to having this dream. I loved the ultimate ending, but it was abrupt and I wanted more. The characters race to the finish line, but I wanted more details in the chase and what happened to the characters after. Maybe if the transition between the action and ending was smoother, I would have loved it even more.
This book could have been even better with a few beta-readers to bounce ideas off of and a high-level story editor to help shape the arc. This story is full of large personalities that are supposedly learning and growing on this road trip. However, I didn’t see any true character progression or change happen other than location.

This book pulls in all kinds of themes and ideas. Of course, it revolves around first learning about the environment to change how we care for it. It also showcases plenty of other pivotal moments of change in US history. Some of the many ideas brought up are slavery and the civil war, racism, and prejudice against the Native Americans. There aren’t solutions posed to any of these issues. Instead, she states that we’ve had these issues for a while, and we have to work together as an entire society to change. I also don’t know how real these issues were portrayed. “Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk Into A Bar” alludes to the idea that these were societal changes and climate change is another thing to tackle as a society.
About The Author Cherie Magnus

Cherie Magnus is a native of California and spent 10 years living in France, Mexico, and Argentina. She is a librarian at the Los Angeles Central Library. “Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk Into a Bar” is her sixth book. Some of her previous works are memoirs of her travels abroad. Her local knowledge of California is infused into this book as she talks about the sites along Highway 1. The resource section at the end of her book is packed with resources about our leading gentlemen that shaped how she portrayed their characters. If you want to learn more about Cherie or her other books, check out her website.
Where to Buy Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk Into A Bar
“Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk Into a Bar” is available on Amazon as a hardcover or Kindle eBook. It is also available on a host of other book sites like Thriftbook, Barnes and Noble, and more.

This book has a Bill and Ted feel with the historical figures brought through time to experience the present. It has the quirkiness without the over-the-top humor. I recommend this book to readers who want a wild, unpredictable ride filled with history and a dash of climate change. Adults and older teens would enjoy this book more than younger teens, and there isn’t any unsuitable content (besides the non-descript nudity). You might like this book if you are a big outdoors person, a music lover, or looking to walk on the wild side. This book isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay!
Are wanting to expand your reading palate? Make sure to join the 2023 Summer Reading Challenge! Or check out this page full of book recommendations based on what genre you are in the mood for.
Happy Reading!

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