“Fourth Wing” is a gripping fantasy novel that follows Violet’s unexpected journey into dragon riding amidst a nation on the brink of conflict. Addressing themes of resilience, the book features unique magic, intense battles, and a twist-filled narrative. With parental discretion advised, the story offers a deeper, relatable underdog experience compared to similar works.
50 Best Fantasy Books for Teens and Adults Part 2: A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Fantasy Subgenres
Hello again, fantasy lovers and newbies alike! Welcome to Part 2 of our deep dive into the fantasy genre. If you missed the first part, …
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi | Parent Guide & Book Review
Homegoing blew me away, and I can not wait to tell you about it! For those of you stopping by for the first time, my …
From Classic Tale to Modern Twist: An In-Depth Review of “Scrooge’s Folly: Saving Jacob Marley”
Welcome to The Book Nanny! I’m Emily Campbell, a devoted mom, avid bookworm, and trusty guide to finding books that match your preferences. Today, we …
“Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk into a Bar” Book Review: A Blend of Music, History, and Climate Change Fiction
Prepare to be captivated by the quirky fusion of music, history, and saving the world in the book “Lincoln and Rachmaninoff Walk into a Bar” …
50 Best Fantasy Books for Teens and Adults: A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Fantasy Subgenres (Part 1)
Fantasy books are a great way to escape reality and immerse yourself in a world of magic, adventure, and wonder. Whether you prefer epic sagas, …
16 Supernatural Young Adult Fantasy Books
This post is all about three of my favorite things! 😍 Supernatural Young Adult Fantasy books could be a weird combination, but it is golden. …
Top 15 Sweet Clean Romance Books
The first thing someone asks me when they find out I love reading is what my favorite book is. Guys, I’ve read such a large …
Murder at Haven’s Rock | Review
The day before Thanksgiving, I was celebrating and connecting with family when I got an email notification. In the email, I was invited to read …
Bridgerton Book 1: The Duke and I | Parent Guide & Review
Season 2 of Bridgerton is coming out soon, and all the buzz about the first season is back in full force. This review has a …