woman blowing sprinkle in her hand

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Synopsis of Luna’s Rescue

Luna’s Rescue tells the adventure of Luna, a crested gecko who loves her family. When her family disappears she goes on a journey to rescue them. Along the way, she meets new friends and discovers the magic that can help find her family. However, Luna must learn that true magic comes from within.

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First Impressions

gray lizard on white textile
A crested gecko like Luna in Luna’s Rescue

This is a super cute book! It is great for young readers starting on chapter books. This unique story from a gecko’s perspective helps the reader to see that whatever their talent or strength is, it can solve big problems. In addition, Luna’s Rescue would be a great book to read together as a family. This book introduces vocabulary in a simple and fun way through the face-paced story in a way that kids can pick up easily. Because of this Luna’s Rescue is a great book for schools to assign or to read aloud as a class.

Parent Guide

Overall: G
Violence: G
Language: G
Adult Content: G
Reading Level: Grades 2-6

Topics in Luna’s Rescue

woman blowing sprinkle in her hand
  • Sacrifice: Luna learns what she is willing to sacrifice to save her family
  • Friends: Luna gain new friends in her adventure
  • Initiative: To rescue her family Luna has to take risks and go on an adventure.
  • Self-Confidence: She gains confidence and discovers what her true talents are.


Some people said Cottonwood Forest was haunted. Some said it was magical. And some said it was just a regular old forest.

Erica Richardson, Luna’s Rescue, The Cottonwood Chronicles Book 1

“Mr. Wizard, sir, I came to ask for your help,” she chattered urgently. “My family is missing! I’m afraid the picnic got them!”

Erica Richardson, Luna’s Rescue, The Cottonwood Chronicles Book 1

My Thoughts about Luna’s Rescue

aerial shot of road surrounded by green trees

Erica does a great job describing what is going on. Due to the great descriptions, the readers really experience what Luna is going through. Luna’s rescue is a great fantasy book for young readers and perfect for any kind of reading aloud. One thing that makes it unique is the lack of a villain. Instead, it is Luna facing her own insecurities and the opinions of what others tell her. She discovers that even though she is small, she can help fix big problems. The lack of a villain makes Luna more relatable to young readers because most children don’t have an individual they can pin their problems on like a character in a book. Instead, the readers learn that no matter how small or insignificant they may feel they are important and can make a big difference.

What to Read Next?

If you enjoyed Luna’s Rescue be sure to read these other books by Erica Richardson like Lisa’s Ugly Glasses or Finley Fox: How to be a Great Princess. Likewise, The Percy Jackson books, Wayside School books, and The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids will be other stories sure to engage your young reader. If you are still needing more books check out this post for books like Harry Potter. However, if you like books to read out loud you won’t want to miss these bedtime stories.

Happy Reading!

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and decide to buy, I make a small commission for referring you. This helps me make a few cents for doing what I love.