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Everyone is always asking me what I’m reading and since I’m a fast reader it is constantly changing! I decided to start a new ongoing series about what I’m currently reading. If you want to recommend a book or want to see a book featured send me a message through my contact page.

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Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper

Last week when I was roving around the library I came across the Vampirate books. I read these back in middle school and really enjoyed them. I’m always a sucker for pirate books plus the whole vampire thing makes it different and interesting.

Bring filled with nostalgia I picked up Demons of the Ocean and have been enjoying it all over again. I remembered some parts but a lot of rediscovering has been happening too.

Demons of the Ocean is the story of a set of twins – brother and sister – who are picked up by two different ships after a massive storm. Connor is taken aboard a pirate ship and learns how to sword fight. His sister Grace is rescued by a mysterious ship of dangerous vampire pirates.

This is the first book of the Vampirates series. While I was reading these books years ago the author was still coming out with sequels so I can’t remember if I finished the whole series. Either way, I’ll finish this series by the end of the summer and maybe sooner! When I’m done I’ll do a review and make a parent guide to let you all know what I think.

What are you reading right now? Or what do you wish you were reading right now?!

Happy Reading,


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